Friday, October 24, 2008

My Sweet Hunter Si is 10!

Well, we had another birthday at our house last week. (Sorry Hunter that I am so slow getting this posted!) My sweet Hunter Si (short for Silas) turned 10. I'm not sure where the past 10 years have gone or why they have gone by so quickly. His birthday has always been a hard one for me personally, but a miracle for me too.
When Hunter was born he was 5 wks 6 days early. He was having a hard time breathing and needed a little oxygen. He was taken from me so they could give him a little help. After many hours of wanting my baby I was taken to the NICU where he was hooked up to everything plus some. It was determined at some point that he needed more oxygen than the little bubble over his head could provide. Some one had bagged him (oxygen) and did it a little too hard (as it was explained to me) which ruptured his little lung, resulting in a chest tube. They had also intubated him. It was a horrible shock since no one had told me he was in trouble. Unfortunately the dominoe affect continued. Because of the chest tube, he got an infection which then required 11 days of antibiotics and extended his stay. It was all very frustrating and terrifying. I didn't get to hold him for almost 5 days after he was born. Because he was intubated we couldn't even hear him cry, but his little tears told us how distressed he was. During his time in the NICU they came to us on 2 different occasions to prepare us for the very worse outcome.
Finally we were able to take him home where he was basically isolated for months. Everytime we celebrate his birthday I am reminded of his very hard, scary little start in life. However, I am always so incredibly grateful for the miracle of his life.
To see him today you would never believe that he almost didn't survive the first few weeks of life!!! The only proof of his ordeal is his scar from the chest tube. But, as Dr Rose would tell him, "Chicks dig scars".
Anyway, happy birthday Hunter!!! You are such an amazing kid and I love you so much. I love how silly you are, how cuddly you still are, how talented you are. I love everything about you!

I hope that you had a GREAT Birthday!!!


Tyson and Capri said...

wow i cant believe how big your kids are getting. I remember talkimg to you a long long time back and telling you how i am always so nervous i would have ugly kids and you told me that was something you always thought about to and look your kids are beautiful and handsome:)(I am sure you already know that) They are growing up so fast!!!

Eli and Steph said...

Happy Birthday, Hunter! We didn't realize that you share the same bday as our new nephew Solomon! Oct. 24 must be a special day :)
Eli & Steph
(those two strange people you saw off and on at Gma and Gpa Hunter's house this summer!)