Monday, October 13, 2008

Caden is 12!!!

Wow! My baby boy is 12 years old! I can't believe how fast time goes by. He had a big birthday weekend. On Saturday, the 11th, he had a party with 7 of his friends. We took them to Layton Surf N Swim. It is a pool that they cover with a big white 'bubble' during the winter. Every 20 minutes or so the siren sounds and big waves begin. It is a lot of fun. I think that all of the kids had fun. We had plenty of treats and drinks at the pool for them. After the pool we came back home and had pizza and doughnuts and Caden opened his presents from them. It was a fun party. This group of kids are such good kids. They were funny and just a lot of fun to have hang out. On Sunday, Caden's birthday, He was advanced from the Primary and Ordained a Deacon. Grandma & Grandpa Hunter, Grandma & Grandpa Holmes, and Cheyenne attended Sacrament Meeting with us and then Caden was Ordained following the meeting.
Wade Ordained Caden and Grandpa Hunter, Grandpa Holmes along with the Bishopric (Bp Lattin, Bro Bitton, Bro Branz) all were able to stand in. It was really a great experience. Caden was so ready for this big step in his life. He is such a great kid. I am so proud of him and we love him sooo much.
After church Grandma & Grandpa Hunter and Grandma & Grandpa Holmes came over for dinner. Because it was his birthday Caden got to choose the menu. He chose to have Meatloaf (yes, you read that right), potatoes, gravy, snicker/apple salad and rolls. Both Grandma's also brought yummy salads. For his dessert he chose Cinnamon Coffee Cake. Definitely not a traditional birthday dinner, but it was his chose. I must say that the Meatloaf was quite a hit. Both Grandpa's were very happy with his choice.
He opened the rest of his presents and then we spent the remainder of the evening playing a game and watching old home movies. It was a great day!!!
I love you Caden! You are such a great kid and are so much fun to have around! Thanks for all you do for our family. You are a great son and a great brother. Love you pal!!!


1 comment:

sav said...

he was really cute on sunday when the bishop told him he was gonna have to do his article of faith backward! haha! that was priceless!