Monday, October 13, 2008

Catching up...

Over General Conference weekend ( Oct. 4-5) we went to Wolf Creek with Scott, Heather and their girls. We love spending time together and all of the kids get along so great. The kids are so funny when they are together. Ally and Avi disappear almost immediately. They go off on their own and play non-stop. They are great friends. Madi and Caden like to hang with Alexa or with the adults. They are funny though. They have a lot in common and love to just hang out together. It was such a great, relaxing weekend. We watched the morning session on Saturday and then Avi and Hunter both were heading back to their soccer games. Neither of them wanted to leave the condo. As it was, both games were rained out and so they got their wish. Scott had the great idea of Ice Blocking. The kids had a blast. It was definitely a big hit. When they came back inside they were freezing and wet. Some nice warm Hot Chocolate and warm bathes were just what they needed to warm up. As always there was tons of great food, fun games and laughter. Little Kendall was such an angel. She is just an amazing baby girl. She was so good and she even slept through all of the noise and chaos. Grandma J'Leanne joined us for the day on Saturday and then on Sunday Grandma and Grandpa Holmes and Grandma J'Leanne joined us for the day and had dinner with us. It was a great day. Thanks Grandma J'Leanne for the use of the condo. Thanks Scott and Heather for inviting us to spend the weekend with you!!!

Oh yeah, we did have one mishap....... We had used all the dishwasher detergent and didn't want to call for more. So, Heather told Wade to use just a couple of drops of liquid dish soap. Not long after he started the dishwasher he walked into the kitchen area and was quite surprised by the steady flow of bubbles escaping from the dishwasher. Of course he didn't think that just a couple of drops of liquid soap would really be enough so he used a couple of squirts instead...........

As you can see, we had a bit of a sudsy mess!!! Hmmm, I wonder if he will ever believe what he is told. We did have a great laugh at his expense!
Ahhh, memories!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I would have thought Maid Wade would have known better! =)